• Home Exercise: The critical situation plan

    If you are prepared for every critical situation you can encounter on the course, knowing what your best response is and what cue words can help you deal with that situation will lower your worry and anxiety level. 

    First list the critical competitive situations (technical, tactical and/or mental) you are likely to face during a competition. 

    Then indicate how you would prefer to respond to these situations. Draw on what has worked best for you in previous competitions. Think of a focus, image or a cue word that will allow you to focus properly and deliver the preferred response.

    Let’s go.

    Critical situations:

    Technical: Loosing shots right

    1. Preferred Response during competition
    2. Focus or cue word to bring on preferred response

    Tactical: You are unsure about Par 5 strategy

    1. Preferred Response during competition
    2. Focus or cue word to bring on preferred response

    Physical: Knees are weak on first hole

    1. Preferred Response during competition
    2. Focus or cue word to bring on preferred response

    Mental: You start panicking before first tee

    1. Preferred Response during competition
    2. Focus or cue word to bring on preferred response

    Disappointing Start of Competition: Bogey

    1. Preferred Response during competition
    2. Focus or cue word to bring on preferred response

    Exciting Start to Competition: Birdie

    1. Preferred Response during competition
    2. Focus or cue word to bring on preferred response

    Slow play

    1. Preferred Response during competition
    2. Focus or cue word to bring on preferred response
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