• Home Exercise: Refocusing plan

    Unexpected events will happen on the course. Developing a refocusing plan can help. If you are prepared for the unprepared, you can control worries and anxiety. 

    Underneath, please list responses that will help you keep your focus and control the distractions in the following situations:

    Pre-event Hassle

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:

    Non-ideal conditions

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:

    Delay in start

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:

    Poor start

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:

    Loss of focus

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:

    Tactical error on par 3, 4 and 5

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:

    Poor first three holes

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:

    Poor first nine

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:

    Family expactations

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:

    Other problems

    1. Strategy:
    2. Keyword:
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